October 19th, 2020

Back from the break and we see what just happened to Lana. WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler are in the ring with mics.

Jax says that was to show that they’re on the same page and they are a team, even though they don’t braid each other’s hair on the weekend or follow each other on Instagram. Jax says that was teamwork. Baszler says she would call it dominance. They briefly argue over what to call it but Baszler says actions are more important, and they come out every week to dominate. She says they own the WWE Women’s Tag Team Titles, which means they own the RAW and SmackDown tag team divisions. Jax dares anyone to come out and do something about it.

The music interrupts and out comes the team of Mandy Rose and Dana Brooke. They make it down the ramp but the music interrupts and out comes Lacey Evans. She’s joined by Peyton Royce on the ramp. Brooke and Rose are in the ring now. Royce and Evans pose together on the apron before entering. It looks like we have an impromptu Triple Threat but the music hits and out comes The Riott Squad – Liv Morgan and Ruby Riott. They were drafted to SmackDown last week but this is their last RAW match, according to Tom.

Shayna Baszler and Nia Jax vs. The Riott Squad vs. Dana Brooke and Mandy Rose vs. Lacey Evans and Peyton Royce

This non-title Fatal 4 Way starts off with Dana Brooke and Ruby Riott. They go for a pin but Shayna Baszler breaks it up. Nia Jax comes in behind her. All competitors start brawling now as the referee tries to break it up. Mandy Rose and Dana Brooke kick the champs to the floor and follow with an attack. Peyton Royce flies out to take both of those teams down at ringside. Lacey Evans launches herself out with a moonsault, taking Royce, Brooke, Rose and the champs down. Ruby Riott and Liv Morgan go to opposite top turnbuckles now. They fly with splashes to take the other three teams down. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and Royce is going at it with Morgan. Evans is playing to the crowd when Royce tags her in. Evans takes over on Liv and talks some trash. Liv counters a powerbomb and takes Evans down. Liv attacks in the corner and tags in Riott for a 2 count. Evans catches a kick and takes Riott down, then decks her with a right hand. Rose tags herself in. Jax also tags herself in. Rose ducks Jax but gets clocked in the jaw. Rose avoids a suplex and Brooke tags herself in. Brooke and Roe try to double suplex Jax but she blocks them and hits a double suplex of her own.

Jax tries to hit Rose and Brooke in the corner but they move and she hits the ring post shoulder-first. Rose with a springboard back elbow in the corner off a double team. Rose knocks Royce and Evans off the apron, then drops Jax with a knee strike. Dana tags in as Rose knocks The Riott Squad off the apron. Brooke with a senton from the top to Jax but Baszler breaks up the pin attempt. Royce goes at it with Riott. Riott drops her with the STO. The match falls apart now as everyone is getting involved. Evans with a Woman’s Right to drop Riott. Broke goes for Jax but Liv tags herself in. Liv unloads on Jax and hits a dropkick. Evans tags herself in but Liv drops her. Liv with a big stomp to Evans in the corner.

Liv and Riott double team Evans now with double knees and Riott Kick but Baszler breaks the pin up by pulling Riott to the floor. Baszler applies the Kirifuda Clutch to Riott on the floor. Jax tags herself in off Riott. Jax grabs Evans for the big Samoan Drop in the middle of the ring for the pin to win.

Winners: Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler

After the match, the champs stand tall as their music hits. We go to replays.

Back from the break and The New Day is congratulating Heavy Machinery backstage and goofing off together. Mandy Rose approaches and gives Otis the gift of ham. They all celebrate and dance some more to end the segment.

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