June 5th, 2018

Before Asuka can say or do anything after posing in the ring, Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville make their way to the stage.

Mandy says Carmella didn’t have to go through all of that, she could have asked her. Asuka is a shell of herself. Asuka did beat her and she is dangerous, but Mandy says she was a second away from beating Asuka. Mandy says she knows she can beat Asuka tonight.

Sonya says that Mandy did what she was supposed to do, she left just enough of Asuka for her. Tonight, it is her turn. Carmella says it is Sonya’s turn but who will Asuka face tonight? Before Asuka can choose her opponent, Paige makes her way to the stage.

Paige says no one speaks for her. As far as she remembers, she makes the matches around here. Asuka has unfinished business with both ladies so Asuka gets to choose. Asuka takes the mic and she wants both. Paige makes the match official.

Match Number One: Asuka versus Sonya Deville and Mandy Rose

Sonya starts things off for her team. Sonya has a kick blocked and Asuka with a kick to the leg. They lock up and Mandy makes the tag. Mandy with a kick and Asuka escapes trouble. Sonya tags back in. They lock up and Asuka with an arm bar and wrist lock. Sonya with a reversal and Asuka with a reversal. Sonya with a take down and she goes for a knee bar but Asuka gets to the ropes. Asuka with a single leg take down. Sonya with a hip toss but she misses the sliding knee and Asuka with a drop kick. Sonya with a forearm.

Sonya with punches to the midsection and then Mandy tags in and kicks Asuka. Sonya tags back in and she sends Asuka into the turnbuckles and connects with shoulders until Mandy comes in and connects with shoulders and punches. Mandy with a reverse chin lock. Mandy gets a near fall and returns to the reverse chin lock. Mandy with a shoulder tackle but Asuka stays on her feet. Asuka with a running hip attack. Asuka with a running hip strike into the corner and then she goes up top and hits a missile drop kick.

Carmella gets up from the announce table and she distracts Asuka as Sonya tags in and hits Asuka from behind.

Sonya with a snap mare and body scissors. Sonya with a reverse chin lock. Asuka bridges back to get a near fall. Sonya with a spinebuster for a near fall. Mandy tags in and she chokes Asuka. Mandy punches Asuka and then applies a modified abdominal stretch with a chin lock. Asuka with punches and Mandy blocks a kick and hits a reverse suplex for a near fall. Mandy chokes Asuka in the ropes. Sonya tags in and she kicks Asuka.

Mandy tags back in and she sets for the butterfly suplex but Asuka blocks it and gets a near fall with a rollup. Asuka knocks Sonya off the apron and she connects with a running kick to Mandy. Both women are down in the ring. Asuka with forearms and Mandy fires back. Mandy misses a clothesline and Asuka with a drop kick. Asuka blocks a kick and hits a German suplex. Mandy with an elbow and Sonya makes the tag. Asuka kicks Mandy and then she hits the pop up knee followed by a hip attack for a near fall that is broken up by Mandy.

Mandy is sent to the floor and Sonya with a rollup for a naer fall. Sonya and Asuka have kicks blocked and then both with round kicks and both are down. Asuka with a round kick to Sonya but Sonya with a spear for a near fall. Sonya with knees to Asuka. Asuka catches Sonya on a Superman punch attempt. Asuka with the Asuka Lock and body scissors. Sonya taps out.

Winner: Asuka

After the match, Carmella goes into the ring and she shows Asuka her title belt. Mandy tries to attack Asuka but Asuka with a spinning back fist. Carmella hits Asuka from behind with the title belt and then Carmella hits a thrust kick.

Related Links:
» Gallery: World Wrestling Entertainment > Digital Photos > Smackdown Live > 2018 > June 5
» Gallery: Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > Smackdown Live > 2018 > June 5

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